Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Slab Constructed Box With Texture

Slab Constructed Box With Texture

The next assignment will challenge you to construct a ceramic box using the slab building technique.
The box requirements are:
  •  minimum of 4 sides, a base and a lid 
  •  at least 2 different textures (the entire box does not have to  be covered texture. Smooth areas are a nice contrast to textured areas.)   
  • minimum size of 6"x6"x6"
  • handle
  • feet                       
You are not limited to a rectangular or cub form. Your box may be a pyramid, octagon, etc. Be creative and think outside of the box!

Sketchbook/ Journal Homework Assignment Due May 1, 2013
Define the following vocabulary:
                          leather hard

Watch the following videos and write out the steps required to create a slab constructed box. Include details such as tools used and why the steps are necessary.
Tips and Techniques for Slab Built Pottery
Rolling texture into  a slab

Plan out your box by sketching all sides of the box (except the base). Also include sketches, references or bring in actual objects to use as inspiration for texture.